Tenancy Fraud

Tenancy fraud is when people are living in our homes without the right to do so. It's against the law and a breach of our tenancy agreement. It also denies homes to those most in need.

The different types of tenancy fraud

Unlawful subletting - where a tenant rents out their home without our knowledge or permission.

Wrongly-claimed succession - where a resident dies and someone without entitlement tries to take over or succeed the tenancy.

Key selling - where a resident is paid to pass on their keys in return for a one-off payment.

Unlawful assignment - where a resident stops using their tenancy as their main home and allows another person to live there without our permission.

Obtaining housing by deception - where a person gets a home by giving false information on their housing application.

Detecting tenancy fraud

We carry out regular tenancy checks to make sure that the right people are living in our properties.

We work with other social landlords and statutory agencies to detect fraud.

We investigate reports of possible tenancy fraud.

Report tenancy fraud

If you think someone in your area may be subletting their home or living elsewhere, please report this to us. Any information you give us will be treated in confidence and your identity will be protected.