Our Policies
Our policies are passed by the board and reviewed every three years
Customer Policies
Policy Name |
Aids and Adaptions Policy |
Compensation Policy |
Customer Complaints and Feedback Statement |
Finance and Income Policies
Policy Name |
Rent and Service Charge Policy |
Governance Policies
Policy Name |
Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy |
Code of Conduct for Board Members |
Confidentiality Policy |
Data Protection Policy |
Receipt of Gifts Policy |
Health and Safety Policies
Policy Name |
Health and Safety Policy Statement |
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy Statement |
Safeguarding Policy |
Housing Management Policies
Policy Name |
Access to Housing Policy |
Allocations and Lettings Policy |
Decant Policy |
Unacceptable and Unreasonable Behaviour Policy |
HR Policies
Policy Name |
Volunteers Policy Statement |
Repairs and Voids Policies
Policy Name |
Alterations & Improvements Policy |
Code of Conduct for Contractors |
Electrical Safety Policy |
Gas Safety Policy |
Rechargeable Repairs Policy |
Repair and Maintenance Policy |
Water Safety Policy |