Meet The Staff

As a small organisation, our staff are always adapting and evolving in their roles. Below is an up to date list of your housing team

Shirley Davies - Chief Executive Officer

Shirley reports directly to the ECBHA Board and has overall responsibility for delivering the Group’s corporate plan, strategies and ensuring legal and regulatory compliance, risk management and effective governance.

Graham Davies - Chief Finance Officer

Graham has responsibility for all financial and treasury matters at ECBHA including business planning, financial reporting and viability. Graham is also ECBHA’s Company Secretary.

Michael Wood - Chief Operations Officer

Michael leads the full range of operational services with responsibility for health and safety compliance, planned maintenance, repairs, property management, allocations, income recovery, customer services and resident involvement.

Peter Latham - Business Improvement Manager

Peter drives change and innovation within ECBHA. Seeking to review and update business practices, service delivery and standards. Peter seeks to ensure the delivery of the organisations action plans and commitments.

Francesca Dunford - Finance Manager

Pauline Courtney - Housing Officers

Jake Ellison - Housing Officers

Kenny McKenzie – Estates Officer

Adam Roberts – Reception & Repairs Administrator

Francesca, Pauline, Jake, Kenny & Adam form the front-line team delivering ECBHA serves to residents, applicants, contractors and other stakeholders. 

Services include: finance, allocations, lettings, tenancy management, rents, estate service and repairs among many others!